Monday, April 24, 2006

Simon Zealotes.

After the glorious entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem; Simon represents who believed Jesus was a politic leader.
The weapons are one clear proof of the war against Roma. Many people didn’t understand Jesus' message who often said that His kingdom was not from this world.
Simon asks to add a bit of hate to Roma to His message and to sets his people free. Finally he uses one phrase from the Gospel…. “The Glory for ever, amen….”
While Simon speaks Jesus’ face is more than elocuent. He feels that people haven’t understood anything.

Danilo Perez.


At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For ever, the message of Jesus was “nothing can be done to stop the shouting. If every tongue was still the noise would still continue. The rocks and stones themselves would start to sing…” and to me also was “don’t fight ... the war left us in nowhere…”
When the soldiers and Judas were going to take to Jesus… Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it and smote the high priest`s servant, and cut off his right ear. In this moment Jesus asked Peter to put up his sword into the sheath.
“ The cup which my father has given me, Shall I not drink it?”...And he finally accepted his destine...
Also in the chapter 8 (in JC superstar) When Simon Zealots wants to convince Jesus that He was so strong, had the power, and would drive them to the victory … they would win themselves a home!
But in the chapter 7 Jesus was upset and angry because people hadn`t understood anything.
I think as Jesus said: “You’d see the truth but you close your eyes”

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Abril Bartolomé said...

Thus, Simon swears allegiance to Jesus, saying that everyone will follow, because thanks to him, that is so strong, can break the Roman yoke which for years has been the pressing them.


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