Monday, April 24, 2006

Judas' Gospel and “Jesus Christ Superstar”

Judas Gospel is about Jesus' life but from the point of view of Judas
Judas isn’t a betrayer , he’s Jesus’ best friend.
The followers of Judas said Jesus commend his life to Judas because he would do his best.
This testament has got similar view than the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar”.
Judas knew the future of Jesus and Jesus’ life depended on Judas.
The plot is coincident in both text.
The peasants found this testament thirty years ago and this is a coincidence with the date of creation of the rock opera.
I wonder Did Lloyd Weber know about this discovery?.



At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a question you did !!! But I don't think Webber had known about these Gospels.The plot in the Opera is that Judas isn't sure Jesus is God and on the other hand he tries to justify himself.And according to NatGeo's report,Judas arranged with Jesus his "betrayal". No betrayal in this way.
I loved your blog.


At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ecellent question. But I would have to agree with Chandler. I don't think that Mr. Weber had yet to know about the Judas Gospels. Having said that, it is a little spooky huh?

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Felipe said...

Which presents Judas in the first song is that what Jesus says and does is not very convincing, so he wants to prove.


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